
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
EASTER - March 27, 2016: "What's Your Stone?"
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
Tuesday Jun 14, 2016
There are often things in life that become large and immovable in our perception. These "stones" block our view of God, and even the view of things happening around us. But God wants to help us put these "stones" in perspective. And maybe, just maybe, it is time that you ask Him to roll away the stone in your life. What's your stone?

Monday Jun 13, 2016
March 20, 2016: "Where Dreams Go To Die"
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Monday Jun 13, 2016
Sometimes our lives are spent trying to achieve our dreams....dreams that are often instilled in us from a very early age. But what if our dreams are focused on something other than what God intended specifically for us? This message challenges us to find the place where dreams go to die....but also where dreams come alive.

Friday Jun 03, 2016
March 13, 2016: "What Do You Love?"
Friday Jun 03, 2016
Friday Jun 03, 2016
"Love" is one of those words that we tend to use pretty freely. We love our pet. We love pizza. We love that song. We love our wife. We love God.
But what do we REALLY love? And how is that love shown?
1 John 2:15-17 gives us a starting point to see what we really love.

Monday May 30, 2016
Feb 28, 2016: "In It To Win It" - Judges 6.
Monday May 30, 2016
Monday May 30, 2016
God sees things differently than we do. He saw Gideon as what he WOULD be before Gideon ever was. And God sees you as what He wants to make you to be also. But are you willing to get "in it" in order for God to prepare you to "win it"?

Monday May 09, 2016
Feb 21, 2016: "Does Prayer Change Things?"
Monday May 09, 2016
Monday May 09, 2016
We often hear people say "Prayer changes things". But what does that really mean? Is it true? Do we actually understand what effect prayer has on "things"?
This message will address all of those questions. By the end of this message you will have a different understanding of what God wants to do in your situation through prayer.

Monday Mar 21, 2016
Feb 14, 2016: "The Way of Love"
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Monday Mar 21, 2016
Our society has long attempted to define what love is. Much like other holidays, Valentines has been promoted as a symbol of what love is supposed to be. But when we take a biblical perspective, we see that GOD is love. And since He IS love, then He defines love. Join us as we talk about love from God's perspective.

Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
February 7, 2016: "Finish Well".
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Wednesday Mar 09, 2016
Lots of people start things...but a lot fewer actually finish what they start. In writing portions of the New Testament, Paul made it clear that he wanted to finish his mission. In the end, he stated that he HAD finished well.
Let this message make you stop and think about your desire and commitment to "finish well".

Monday Feb 08, 2016
Jan 31, 2016: "Justice - The Final Sequel".
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
As we wrap up our review of Micah 6:8, we address a very insightful question: What does it mean to truly 'love your neighbor as yourself'? When we consider the requirement God has for us to "do justice" we have to see the repeated requirement to love our neighbor...but "as yourself". This one is a game-changer.

Monday Feb 08, 2016
Jan 24, 2016: "Justice - The Sequel".
Monday Feb 08, 2016
Monday Feb 08, 2016
"The Sequel" is our continuation of a look into Micah 6:8 and God's expectation that we "do justice". This week we examine how God provided a blueprint for providing for those less fortunate, His view of property, and our view of our efforts and "our" abilities.

Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Jan 17, 2016: "Sanctity of Life".
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Sunday Feb 07, 2016
Pastor Nathan shares the very personal experience that he and Michelle had with their teenage pregnancy, and the real choice they had to make about abortion. Join us in this podcast as we hear how God provided life in their situation, as well as God's plans for the common objections to choosing life.