
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Jan 10, 2016: "Do Justice: Part 1" -- Micah 6:8
Friday Jan 22, 2016
Friday Jan 22, 2016
We hear so much about what Christ-followers are supposed to do in life. Micah 6:8 explains that we are to do justly, love mercy and walk humbly with God.But what does it mean to "do justly"? In fact, what is the biblical standard for "justice" that is part of God's character and that He expects from us? I guarantee you will be challenged as we dive into the heart of what the Bible really teaches on this subject.

Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Dec 20, 2015: "So This Is Christmas?"
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
Tuesday Dec 22, 2015
People have various ideas about what "makes" Christmas for them. Some focus on decorations. Some focus on gifts. Some focus on family. But what REALLY defines Christmas? Where should our focus be as Christ-followers?Find out as we address the question: "So This Is Christmas?"

Sunday Nov 22, 2015
October 25, 2015: "Is There A Doctor In The House?"
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Sunday Nov 22, 2015
Our world is full of hurt, pain and spiritual sickness. Even when they don't see it, they are in need of healing. Will you be the hands and feet of Jesus today, ministering healing to those so desperately in need of help?

Saturday Nov 21, 2015
October 18, 2015: "The Offense of the Cross".
Saturday Nov 21, 2015
Saturday Nov 21, 2015
As we finish off our study of Galatians we find ourselves focused on the cross. The preaching of the cross is, admittedly, an offensive thing. Jesus said He was "THE" way, truth and life....no plan B. The message in this podcast challenges us to share the message of the cross to those in need.

Friday Nov 13, 2015
October 4, 2015: "Bear One Another's Burdens".
Friday Nov 13, 2015
Friday Nov 13, 2015
It's not just enough to tell people to "take your need to Jesus". We, as followers of Christ, have been given a very specific command in Galatians 6... "Bear one another's burdens."Enjoy this thought-provoking message that reminds us of our responsibility to one another.

Friday Oct 09, 2015
August 30, 2015: "Walk In The Spirit" - Gal 5.
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Friday Oct 09, 2015
Galatians gives us an oft used phrase: "Walk in the Spirit". But what does that mean? And what lifestyles does Paul tell us will not inherit the kingdom of God?Find out what it REALLY means to walk in the Spirit.

Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
August 23, 2015: "Love Your Neighbor" - Gal 5.
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Tuesday Oct 06, 2015
Hear some great thoughts from the beginning of Galatians 5, including "Set Free To Serve", "Who Tripped You" and "You Are What You Eat". This passage of scripture is just chock full of opportunities to learn and grow in the grace that God has given us in Christ.

Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
August 16, 2015: "Two Sons: Receiving God's Plan" - Gal 4:21-31
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
Tuesday Sep 29, 2015
God has a plan for your life. That plan has a path that God intends for it to follow. What's tough for us is that we often want to "make" that plan happen because we think it's not going fast enough. The Bible has an example of that taking place, and the effect is gripping our world today. Find out how God wants you to react to your desire to "help Him along" with His plan for your life.

Sunday Sep 20, 2015
August 9, 2015: Gal 4 "Where Are You Going?"
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sunday Sep 20, 2015
Sometimes we trade away things that are of value in order to get something that is not worth the trade. It may be surrendering relationships for small things. It may be losing a marriage for a fleeting moment. Or it could simply be falling back into the sin that we were set free from by Christ.Regardless of the specifics, are you going on into freedom or back into bondage?

Friday Sep 04, 2015
August 2, 2015: "It Is Finished" - Gal 4:1-7
Friday Sep 04, 2015
Friday Sep 04, 2015
It's an amazing moment when we realize that Jesus completed the work that would set us free! So many things came to completion at that moment on Calvary, while others were just beginning. But we had been set free...set free to submit to a life in Christ.