
Friday Aug 07, 2015
July 19, 2015: "I Fought The Law...".
Friday Aug 07, 2015
Friday Aug 07, 2015
A lot of people have heard that old song... "I fought the law and the...law won!" Well, when Jesus came up against the Law, He didn't lose. In fact, He fulfilled the Law. And in doing so, He became our Federal Head as well as a "life giving spirit." Yeah...there's some good stuff to be learned in this week's message from Galatians 3.

Saturday Jul 25, 2015
July 12, 2015: "Of Faith and Freedom."
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
Saturday Jul 25, 2015
God calls us to faith...not to works. Paul continues his teaching of our freedom from the law...freedom to serve out of love and not fear, as we continue in Galatians. Find freedom today in the finished work of Jesus Christ.

Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
July 5, 2015: "Justification and Rebellion"
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Tuesday Jul 14, 2015
Paul continues his letter to the Galatians and deals with the subject of justification. I think too often in the church world we have oversimplified this topic. This diminishes the power of this awe-inspiring gift that God has given us.Join us for this message presented on the 4th of July weekend.

Monday Jul 13, 2015
June 28, 2015: "God's Plan Is About Equality"
Monday Jul 13, 2015
Monday Jul 13, 2015
As we continue in Galatians, we find our news outlets overrun with pieces about "equality". But what is equality, exactly? And what does Galatians tell us about equality in the church.Give this one a listen....you may find that equality has been an age-old topic, just not the way you might think today.

Monday Jul 13, 2015
June 21, 2015: "God's Plan Is Not Earned"
Monday Jul 13, 2015
Monday Jul 13, 2015
We continue in Galatians 2, learning that God's plan is not earned. It's not about a set of rules, some laws or regulations. Rather, God is focused on extending us His grace. And oh, by the way....once grace is extended then there is something we are challenged to do. Listen through the end of this message to hear a challenge given to Paul, yet pertinent to us today.

Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Membership 201: "Prerequisites For Membership".
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
What do you have to do prior to requesting to become a member of Unity Point? And what are the expectations of active members AFTER they join?These are the questions we address in this second preparation study regarding membership.

Saturday Jun 27, 2015
June 14, 2015: Galatians 1:17-24 "God's Plan Requires Your Patience".
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Saturday Jun 27, 2015
Sometimes we come to believe that God has a plan for us, yet we seem to think it is going to be instantaneous. We don't realize that there can be a process for us to go through in order for God's plan to play out in our lives. Today's message takes a look at how this came about in Paul's life after his conversion.

Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Membership 101: Biblical Foundations For Church Membership.
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Lots of folks take church membership for granted, while others feel like they got roped into something they weren't really expecting. Still others just wonder whether church membership is even biblical.Well, our 4 week session on church membership is going to help you understand the biblical basis for it, the pre-requisites for it, what happens during it, and even what happens after it. Join the study as we take a sometimes light-hearted, but always focused, look at church membership.

Saturday Jun 13, 2015
June 7, 2015: Galatians 1:10-16 "God Has A Plan".
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Saturday Jun 13, 2015
Have you ever wondered if your past is a hindrance to your future with Christ? Maybe you're concerned that God can't use you because of what you did in your past, or even maybe because of what was done TO you in the past. This week's message continues tracing the path of Paul in Galatians 1, showing how God can change a life for His purpose...for His plan. Just like Paul, you can know the truth that "God has a plan".

Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
May 31, 2015: "Galatians 1:1-10 False Teaching"
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Tuesday Jun 02, 2015
Someone walked up to me after this message and said, "Pastor, that scripture could have been written specifically for today's world." How true! We are faced with the challenges of people rising up and preaching or teaching things that contradict the true Gospel of Jesus Christ.But is anyone really supposed to say anything about it? Would pointing out false teaching be "fighting amongst ourselves"? We pray that this message will help you see how Paul addressed that situation, giving us an example for even today.