
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Jan 29, 2017: Walk Through Colossians (Wk 4) - Spiritual Understanding.
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
Sunday Feb 19, 2017
This week we finish up the first list in Colossians 1:9, focusing on being filled with "spiritual understanding". One of the most powerful things we address is "how" we get filled with spiritual understanding. Are you keeping a "lid" on your life that is keeping you from being filled with all that we see in Col 1:9....knowledge of God's will, wisdom and spiritual understanding? You can take the lid off and let God begin to fill you with all He desires.

Monday Feb 13, 2017
Jan 22, 2017: Walk Through Colossians (Wk 3) - Knowledge of His Will, Wisdom
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Monday Feb 13, 2017
Paul prayed that the people in the church of Colossae would be "filled" with the knowledge of God's will, as well as all wisdom. But what does it mean to be filled? And how does being filled with the knowledge of God's will affect our lives? And one step further...how does wisdom work with this knowledge of God's will in us? Join us as we work through the book of Colossians.

Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Jan 15, 2017: Walk Through Colossians (Wk 2)
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
Thursday Feb 09, 2017
This week we find Paul sharing about "the truth, the Gospel" and how it is spreading throughout the whole world, bearing fruit. But what is the "Gospel"? What made up the "whole world" that Paul was describing? And, in the end, how is the Gospel bearing fruit today...including in your life? Join us as we continue this Walk Through Colossians.

Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Jan 8, 2017: Colossians Intro. (Wk 1)
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
Wednesday Feb 08, 2017
The book of Colossians is rich with doctrine, instruction and practical application. Join us as we begin our "Walk Through Colossians". Today we lay the foundation for understanding Paul's letter to the church at Colossae, including his introduction of the three graces he often references in his writings, "faith, hope and love".

Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Jan 1, 2017: Year In Focus.
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Wednesday Feb 01, 2017
Every year there are people who hit social media with "This is the year of....". They make nice memes to share, but God is the same yesterday, today and forever. So how do you REALLY need to keep your year "in focus"? Join us as we discuss how to "redeem" the time we are given in 2017.

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Dec 18, 2016: "This Changes Everything"
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
The birth of Christ had an earth-shattering impact on the world, both at the time and forever. All mankind, all creation...everything was seeing the Redeemer appear. Yes, this changes everything.

Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Nov 27, 2016: What You Wear Matters
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
Sunday Jan 22, 2017
I learned the hard way (and the COLD way) that what you wear matters on a recent multi-night camping trip. God also tells us that what we "wear" spiritually matters, as we are directed to put on the whole armor of God. What have you been wearing?

Monday Dec 26, 2016
Nov 20, 2016 - Salvation: The Cause of Thanksgiving.
Monday Dec 26, 2016
Monday Dec 26, 2016
As many prepare for Thanksgiving in America, do we really contemplate the true reason for thanksgiving in the heart of the follower of Christ? Despite what our personal circumstances may be, if we have received Christ we have the greatest reason imaginable to have a thankul heart.

Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Nov 6, 2016: "Baggage: Overcoming Our Past"
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
Sunday Nov 13, 2016
It's just a reality today that we all have "a past". Sometimes it is because of decisions we made. Maybe it is due to things done to us. Or possibly it is about our socio-economic level growing up. Regardless of the cause, we all have a past. But God wants to set us free...to take away the baggage. But will we let Him?

Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Oct 30, 2016: "How Long Until I Die?"
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Sunday Nov 06, 2016
Many people wonder how long their physical life will last in this world. But Jesus called us to the necessity of being willing to die...from a different perspective. This message digs into one of Jesus' most difficult commands that He ultimately modeled by dying for us.