
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Oct 23, 2016: "To Do His Will" (Heb 13:20-21)
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Sunday Oct 23, 2016
Paul once prayed a prayer for a group of people, asking that God would equip them "to do His will". This message digs into this prayer to find some powerful insights into the God that equips, what He equips us with, and how He equips us.

Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Oct 2, 2016: "Of Loss and Gain" - Phil 3
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
Thursday Oct 06, 2016
There may be lots of things that we value in life, some more than others. But Paul writes to the church in Philippians and tells them of the "surpassing worth" of knowing Jesus. I pray that we always place the highest value on knowing Jesus Christ in our lives.

Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Sep 25, 2016: "Transformed" - Rom 12:1-2.
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Tuesday Sep 27, 2016
Romans 12:1-2 gives us an interesting command: Present your bodies a living sacrifice; don't be conformed...be transformed.
But what does it look like when we present our bodies a "living" sacrifice? How do we do it? And what about conforming versus transforming? We address all of these things in this message.

Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Sep 11, 2016: "Where Is God?"
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
Tuesday Sep 20, 2016
In moments of trouble, times of distress, or just while feeling alone...most of us have asked the question, "Where is God?" This message takes a look at this very poignant question and gives us hope. But it also challenges us to respond to "where" God is.

Monday Sep 05, 2016
Sep 4, 2016: "Who Is God?"
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Monday Sep 05, 2016
Most people (yes...even Christ-followers) have at some point asked the question, "Who Is God?" It's a simple question that has far-reaching and powerful impact when it is answered. But, in the middle of our most difficult situations, we truly need to know..."Who Is God?"

Monday Aug 29, 2016
August 28, 2016: "No Child Left Behind" - Luke 15:1-7
Monday Aug 29, 2016
Monday Aug 29, 2016
Ever gotten lost as a child? Maybe it was in a department store, or an amusement park. There's nothing quite like that feeling of being left behind...even if only for a moment.
This week we look at the parable some call "The Lost Sheep". But I think we really could see it as "No Child Left Behind". Jesus shares this parable about a solitary sheep in response to being accused of "welcoming and eating with sinners". Join us as we talk about sheep, shepherds, and engaging the lost.

Monday Aug 08, 2016
Aug 7, 2016: "I Am A Tree"
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Monday Aug 08, 2016
Psalms 1:1-3 tells us that we can be like a tree. In today's message we learn three important characteristics of this "tree" that we can model in our lives.

Friday Aug 05, 2016
PARABLES: The Treasure and The Pearl (7/31/16)
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Friday Aug 05, 2016
Are we ready to surrender everything we have in order to pursue Christ? Is there anything that we would hold onto rather than surrender all in order to have the great treasure found in Him?
That's what the parables for this week cause us to ask of ourselves.

Monday Jul 25, 2016
PARABLES: The Good Samaritan.
Monday Jul 25, 2016
Monday Jul 25, 2016
Luke 10:25-37 gives us a recounting of Jesus talking with a lawyer. This lawyer questions what he has to do to in order to receive salvation. Jesus proceeds to share the story of a man beaten, robbed and left for dead on the road.
Maybe you have heard this parable preached and taught many times. This particular message will give you even better insight into the "players" in this story, and challenge you to change "your neighborhood".

Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
July 10, 2016: "When The Church Loses Heart".
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Wednesday Jul 13, 2016
Our world and our country are going through difficult times today. Yet it is in these difficult times that the true church of Jesus Christ is needed most. But what happens if the church "loses heart"?
Join us in this message as we find encouragement to not lose heart...but to go into the world with the message of reconciliation found in Jesus Christ.